
RFP CREATE-ACE “Community REseArch To End the HIV Epidemic for Australia, Canada and Europe”

Apertura de la convocatoria internacional para presentar propuestas de investigación de la comunidad denominada RFP CREATE-ACE “Community REseArch To End the HIV Epidemic for Australia, Canada and Europe”. Desde el 22 de julio hasta el 15 de octubre se podrán presentar propuestas de investigación de organizaciones comunitarias que ayuden a poder alcanzar y mantener los objetivos de ONUSIDA 95-95-95 y lograr el éxito a largo plazo en el manejo del VIH. Adjuntamos las bases de dicha convocatoria y un resumen de esta. Descargar resumen Descargar bases Descargar presentación [...]

Decriminalization of LGBTQ+ people saves lives

GENEVA, 19 July 2024 — As courts and parliaments in a number of countries are in the midst of considering the legal framework around the rights of LGBTQ+ people, we highlight that punitive laws against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people violate human rights and undermine public health. Such laws cost lives. Laws criminalizing LGBTQ+ people must be consigned to history – and a growing number of countries are doing just that.  The big – and very welcome – global shift is away from criminalization. Over two-thirds of countries now do not criminalize LGBTQ+ people. In the last 10 years alone, [...]

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